Burkina Faso Advances on Road to Digitized Health System

We supported a high-level workshop for the Burkina Faso MOH, key partners and funders to advance the nation’s journey towards a digitized community health system.

Following an evaluation of Burkina Faso’s digital health and performance management landscape that Living Goods conducted in 2020 and recommendations we made, the MOH has selected CommCare as the digital health platform for the country’s CHWs—known locally as agents de santé à base Communautaire (ASBC)—and their supervisors.

Living Goods, along with other key implementing partners including UNICEF, Terre des Hommes and Dimagi, will be supporting the MOH over the coming months with the design of the digital tool to ensure that it incorporates global best practices and has the right functionality to deliver high-quality performance management for the community health program in Burkina Faso.

In late March, Living Goods, Health Policy Plus, and Digital Square co-financed a workshop that brought together the MOH, implementing partners and donors to align on the vision and roadmap for digitizing community health in Burkina Faso. The workshop was attended by the Minister of Health and the Secretary General for Health, and both USAID and the Gates Foundation made additional commitments to support digitization during the workshop. Living Goods is now supporting the MOH to finalize the budget for digitization, identify any gaps, and mobilize resources as required.

We have also hired a Country Lead to oversee Living Goods’ operations in Burkina Faso: Dr. Patrick Singa. He is a Rwandan medical doctor with more than 10 years’ hands-on medical experience in the public and private sectors, as well as extensive experience working for international organizations and the United Nations. Dr. Singa has held several senior positions within the Rwandan Ministry of Health and, most recently, was the Chief Medical Officer for Babylon Health Rwanda, a subsidiary of Babylon Health, which he established and managed for nearly five years.


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