Posted on: September 30, 2021
We continue making strong progress supporting Burkina Faso’s MoH to develop a context-specific digital health solution that will improve performance for the country’s 18,000 CHWs and will ultimately link to the country’s broader facility-level health information system.
Importantly, this past quarter we supported the onboarding of our partner Dimagi, developer of the CommCare mobile data collection platform that the eCHIS will be built upon, to review the entire design process to date for the tool, and advance scoping efforts for the new platform. Concurrently, we’re busy working on the design of a Burkina Faso learning site, which we hope to launch by the middle of next year.
We’ve also been heavily focused on supporting the design and development of the eCHIS tool with Dimagi that will be piloted in early 2022; supporting project alignment between the MoH, partners and donors; and supporting the development of the CHW e-Registry.
In Q3, we supported eCHIS user acceptance tests with nearly three dozen CHWs and will also be supporting the MoH later this year to engage in human-centered design (HCD) immersion activities with CHWs. These HCD approaches were developed to ensure the eCHIS tool has real-world applicability and utility. We also produced a French version of Living Goods’ Performance Management Guidebook, to support government and other partners in Burkina Faso to effectively manage and optimize their CHW workforces.