Burkina Faso: Fluid Political Situation to Delay Learning Sites

Community immersion visit in Burkina Faso to collect views to inform creation of a digital tool for CHWs.

Following a coup in January, Burkina Faso’s political situation remains in some flux, although security is relatively stable.

New Minister of Health Robert Karabougou has been appointed and key government staff have been reshuffled, with the potential for more changes to come. Given the fluid environment, we will need to engage in discussions with a new set of leaders to finalize the details of our planned learning site with CHWs in Ziniare and Manga districts.

Consequently, we now anticipate delaying launch of the learning site from Q2 to Q4. Still, our team continues to make steady progress developing the country’s new eCHIS in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Dimagi and Terre des Hommes, and our teams have begun User Acceptance Tests (UATs) with CHWs. As we’re taking a Human Centered Design approach to the tool, the feedback from the UAT will be used to enhance the current prototype before the final version of the tool is piloted.

A new CHW registry that Living Goods helped design was also finalized this quarter in partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

This quarter, a few members of our team from Burkina Faso visited our implementation partnership with government in Kisumu, Kenya, to draw upon learnings from another context where government is in the driver’s seat.


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