Hope within reach: 10 years of impact as a VHT

For the last 10 years, 47-year-old Kuluthum Namuddu has served her community in Kibumiro A Zone, Busega as a Village Health Team (VHT) member. She was a Government-enrolled VHT before joining the Living Goods team but largely lacked knowledge pertaining to first-line medical care.

Namuddu Kuluthum a VHT in Kibumbiro A Zone, Busega conducting general health assessments to a sickly baby.

Namuddu hails the training and support she and other VHTs received from Living Goods, on how to detect infant pneumonias, danger signs during pregnancy, when to refer cases to health centres, how to conduct general health assessments, among other key skills.

“Living Goods’ training and support has distinguished me as a professional VHT and now my clients trust my services”, Namuddu proudly states.

Namuddu confidently asserts that her services as a VHT are very vital to her community, because she is easy to reach in real time and at minimal cost. The closest Government health facility at Kitebi is approximately 3 miles away and one spends about 10,000 shillings on transportation alone, which is too costly for most people in her area.

“My presence in the community gives hope even for the poorest to access medical care. Thank you Living Goods for making this possible.”


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