Ugandan Ministry of Health Launches the National Community Health Strategy

In February, Uganda’s government through the MoH launched its first ever National Community Health Strategy. The strategy shows the government’s commitment to making changes at a system-wide level and emphasizes the role of community health in driving access to preventive and promotive primary health services. It is an important step towards achieving universal health coverage.

At the ceremony in Kampala, our Country Director Christine Namayanja gave remarks on behalf of the implementing partners and civil society organizations. The ceremony was
attended by the Minister of Health, members of parliament, other senior government officials from neighboring countries and representatives of the funding community and norm-setting institutions. In his recorded remarks, the World Health Organization’s Dr. Tedros emphasized the importance of community health, particularly in disease surveillance, prevention and response.

Living Goods participated in the development of the strategy and remains committed to supporting the government in implementing it at the community level. The strategy articulates how digitally enabled CHWs who are paid and equipped with training, medicines and supportive supervision are effective in promoting good health and preventing diseases in
communities. Operationalizing the strategy would guarantee that the country’s more than 150,000 CHWs start to receive regular trainings, supervision, stipends and digital tools for decision support—among other health system strengthening initiatives.

But the government still has the uphill task of coordinating partner efforts and allocating the
necessary budget to bring the strategy to life. Living Goods will continue to support the government to mobilize resources to implement the strategy and collaborate with like-minded organizations to further strengthen Uganda’s enabling environment.


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