Posted on: June 7, 2023
The global health community’s advocacy efforts have led to significant policy and funding
advancements for community health programs in the past year. We are encouraged by this
momentum and dialogues that bring together governments, donors, partners and health workers to ensure that these gains will be operationalized. This quarter, Living Goods participated in two high-level convenings as part of our advocacy efforts to influence and strengthen the enabling environment for community health. The Africa Health International Conference (AHAIC) and the Community Health Worker Symposium were key inflection points to galvanize strengthened policy and funding for DESC-supported CHWs.
At AHAIC, Prossy Muyingo, a Living-Goods supported CHW from Uganda, advocated for the needs and rights of CHWs on the main stage of the conference. “We need to be heard!” Prossy said: “CHWs need to be given such platforms to share their knowledge and experience. Governments need to own community health programs. We need skills, commodities, compensation and digital tools to do our work effectively.”
At the CHW Symposium—hosted by partners Last Mile Health, USAID and UNICEF—Living Goods shared our experience and evidence alongside our MoH partners to inform practice standards for quality community health systems and build additional political commitment. Co-leading the conference sessions on digital health, we elevated lessons from countries undertaking bold efforts to use technology and data to improve service delivery and strengthen systems at the community level. Living Goods remains committed to driving
knowledge sharing, influencing policy change and translating commitments to action to ensure community health programs remain central to efforts to strengthen health systems.