Kenya: CHWs in Busia Continue Strong Trend of High Performance

Facilitation of a COVID-19 refresher training for CHWs in Busia.

CHWs in our Busia County Learning Site continued their strong trend of high performance across all health areas in Q1, meeting or exceeding most targets including U5 sick child treatments, maternal and newborn health, immunization, and family planning indicators. CHWs achieved a remarkable 97% facility delivery rate and 96% sick child referral completion rate against respective 85% and 75% targets.

Given the high unmet need for family planning in Busia—with one in five women unable to access a modern contraceptive method—we were pleased to scale up comprehensive family planning services throughout the county, training more than 500 CHWs in February. All Living Goods-supported CHWs in Busia County can now provide women with counselling and referrals to link facilities that provide short and longer term methods. However, an inadequate supply of family planning commodities at link health facilities that started in January affected Couple Years of Protection (CYP) in Q1.

CHWs in Busia have registered and referred 90%+ of adults for COVID vaccines.

We’re continuing to advocate and partner with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to ensure the supply chain remains uninterrupted.

Not only have CHWs in Busia proven to be highly successful at driving childhood immunization —ensuring 95% of children were fully immunized in Q1 against the target of 65%—but they’re making equally impressive inroads when it comes to tracking and referring for the COVID vaccine. Following the deployment of COVID workflows last September,

Living Goods supported CHWs have registered, assessed, and referred more than 90% of adults in their catchment areas for COVID vaccinations. This bolsters what we already know from evaluating our immunization program in partnership with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance: CHWs drive vaccination uptake.


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