Posted on: October 26, 2023
Equitable health financing is fundamental to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Uganda, however, is below the target on health sector financing and is heavily dependent on external and development partner resources and out-of-pocket payments to fund essential programs.
For instance, the health budget for the financial year 2023/2024 was reduced to 6.5% from 7.2% in the 2022/23 financial year—well below the 15% Abuja Declaration commitment. Uganda’s Health Financing Strategy lays a roadmap for availing the required resources for delivering essential services in an efficient and equitable manner to ensure that no person should face the risk of impoverishment when accessing health care. However, inadequate funding continues to affect the attainment of this goal.
Last week, Living Goods, alongside Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA) Uganda and leaders from Path, World Vision, Amref, CEHURD, Uganda Cares, and Akina Mama wa Afrika and other organizations gathered at the Golf Course Hotel in Kampala, Uganda, for the 5th National Health Financing Conference.
The two-day conference, themed “Deepening and Exploring Innovative Approaches to Domestic Health Financing in Uganda” served as a platform for critical discussions on how to improve domestic health financing, an important step towards achieving better healthcare access and outcomes for all.

In her keynote speech, Margret Happy, Executive Director of Advocacy for Quality Health – Uganda, called upon health-focused organizations in Uganda to champion equity and gender compliance to ensure that every Ugandan has access to allocated health resources. “We need to invest in primary health care approaches that are inclusive, equitable, and cost-effective to enhance people’s health and well-being.”
During a panel discussion on accountability, Dr. Faith Nakiyimba, the Masaka District Health Officer emphasized the need for accountability. She highlighted the importance of monitoring to ensure efficient utilization of resources.
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