Posted on: October 26, 2023
In 2020, when 32-year-old Maria Nabagesera miscarriaged, Joyce Nantaba offered her a shoulder to lean on. She listened to Maria and escorted her to a health center for further management. Joyce is a community health worker in Kigobe village, Kampala, Uganda.
“CHW Joyce came into my life at the time when I needed someone to walk the healing journey with. She educated me about child spacing and nutrition,” explained Maria, adding: “She also sensitized my husband about the need for me to heal both physically and emotionally before conceiving again. I started using the injectable Sayana Press. When my first born was 2 years, I conceived again and gave birth to a healthy baby.”

In CHW Joyce’s experience, women in her community face several challenges as they try to juggle careers, managing their households, childcare, and motherhood.
“Restoring hope among fellow women is what attracted me to become a CHW. I was trained by Living Goods in 2018 and I am proud of the change I have witnessed among the people I interact with,” said Joyce.
Living Goods directly supports more than 4,200 CHWs in Uganda, all of whom are trained and equipped to educate women about how to plan and space pregnancies. CHWs provide comprehensive information about family planning, offer counseling, short-term birth control methods, and referrals for long-term methods.