Erinah Nakimara: Student, Daughter, and CHW

Erinah Nakimara is 23 years old, single, and studies Public Administration and Management. She lives with her family near Katende Trading Centre in Mpigi district.

“I have been a community health worker for ten months now, and since the beginning I have treated my family. Before me, they spent so much money at the health centre, even being admitted when there was no need. Now, I am the one giving them treatment and medicine, and in ten months, they haven’t been to the health centre once. I see the same change with many of the people in my community.

“During the week, I work from my little shop in the trading centre where clients come and see me. In 3-4 hours I normally see around 10-15 people. Saturdays I spend in the field, going door to door. The most common illnesses I see are malaria, diarrhoea, and coughs—mostly in children.

“I like the work because I get trust and respect from the community. Even the witch doctors now let me treat them. In the beginning they weren’t interested, but I kept going and managed to re-educate them, and now they call me for treatment. I have helped my mother a lot as well. She used to get this sickness a lot and would go to the hospital every time. Once she was so sick she cried all night, but with my training from Living Goods I could now treat her. I could tell she had malaria, but also an ulcer, which was causing her pain, so I treated her and she got better straight away. When my father called her to check on her health, she said, ‘I am fine, my daughter treated me.’ I felt so happy I could help her.

“I want to continue this work until I finish my diploma–even when I get a job I want to continue. I can’t imagine leaving it and leaving people without medicine or care.”


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