Isiolo: CHWs Show Resilience in A Challenging Context

By investing time to build back relations with the new county government, we successfully secured official approval from the county government to revert to full digital reporting in Q3, though this is not yet operational. Most CHWs in Isiolo began manually reporting in March due to dysfunctional phones and to support another partner’s drought relief efforts.

CHW Miriam Mbithe receives and packs commodities in her medicines bag.

CHW performance remained below target. Other obstacles included inconsistent commodity supply and delayed stipends to CHWs. There has been some relief from the drought and resulting hunger crisis, although this still hinders healthcare access for the communities. We have rolled out a comprehensive impact optimization plan to improve performance.

For example, we are working with partners to ensure all children enrolled in nutritional programs are followed up by CHWs to target defaulters. Additionally, we are influencing county leadership to evenly distribute community health assistants (government supervisors) across the county on top of leveraging partners to fill supply gaps for health tools like thermometers.

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