Living Goods Selected to Provide Technical Assistance on Global Fund Project

Living Goods has been selected by Burkina Faso’s MoH and the Global Fund, in consultation
with Last Mile Health, to provide technical assistance to the MoH on the Building Integrated
Readiness for Community Health (BIRCH) project for one year. The BIRCH project aims to
strengthen community health programming and pandemic preparedness by enhancing Global Fund investments in CHWs in 11 countries, including Burkina Faso.

Living Goods will support the government to develop a workplan and activity budget in line
with the priorities of the MoH and national community health programs. Living Goods is also supporting the evaluation of the current National Community Health Strategy which expires at the end of the year. As a member of a small national committee, Living Goods participated in and financed the review and validation of the memorandum of understanding and data collection tools proposed by the consultants to ensure they create an evidence-based strategy.

Additionally, we participated in the National Community Health Stakeholder Forum, where
we shared our experience delivering community health services in different African countries
and emphasized the need for digitization and innovation in experimental sites. We also
supported a team of government officials from Ziniaré and two CHWs to take part in the two-day forum. We are excited to collaborate with the MoH and partners to address the challenges facing the community health sector and to create a strategy for improving health outcomes.


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