Posted on: September 22, 2023
On Monday, September 11th, 2023, the Department of Health Services in Vihiga County, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Kenya, and our dedicated team at Living Goods, came together for a co-creation session.
During this session, we worked on establishing benchmarks to measure the progress of our program and set key performance indicators (KPIs).
Vihiga County is our latest implementation support site where we are working with the County to scale eCHIS to 1440 community health workers (#CHWs) and 150 community health assistants (#CHAs) to deliver healthcare to 630,000 residents.
At Living Goods, we are committed to working closely with governments and partners, leveraging smart mobile technology to strengthen the performance and delivery of high-quality health services.
Our approach involves empowering Community Health Workers (CHWs) to be digitally enabled, equipped, supervised, and compensated (DESC).
Setting these targets is crucial as it will help us monitor the quality of our services, enhance performance, and assess our impact.
They will serve as the foundation for performance-based incentives, ensuring that CHWs remain motivated and committed to making a meaningful difference in the community.
Together with Vihiga County, we aim to achieve the following outcomes:
· A decrease in the under-five mortality rate (per 1000 live births).
· An increase in the number of lives saved.
· The prevention of unintended pregnancies.