Posted on: March 30, 2021
In March, we finalized an exciting partnership to support the Ethiopian government’s drive to massively scale the digitization of its community health workforce, known locally as Health Extension Workers (HEWs). In collaboration with JSI Research & Training Institute (JSI), the lead partner, and Dimagi, Living Goods will help strengthen and accelerate performance management as the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) scales its eCHIS beyond the 1,500 HEWS it currently supports. Working under the leadership of the Ethiopian FMOH and JSI, Living Goods’ role will be to assess existing performance management processes and systems within its community health system, and propose and test an improved performance management system, while Dimagi will focus on developing data insight tools and technology. Robust performance management ensures the optimization of community-level service delivery and supervision, which will result in more equitable access to health services at the last mile and improve health outcomes for Ethiopia’s 110 million people. We anticipate working with about 500 HEWs and 50 supervisors to test and document approaches in three learning sites by 2023.