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Accelerating Growth and Learnings with the Help of the Innovation Investment Alliance!

Living Goods Kenya Trains, Equips, and Empowers 1,000 Community Health Workers!

Expanding the Reach of Primary Care in Developing Countries

5 Inventions Created To Prevent The Epidemic Of Maternal Mortality Around The World

My Superhero’s Name is Milly, and She Saves Lives in Uganda

Social innovation for health-care delivery in Africa

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Delivering Better Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, Door-to-Door

FIP 001: Motivating Community Health Workers with Liz Jarman

Susan, a Living Goods-supported CHW

Health workers can be wildly successful at saving lives when they have a profit motive

Why 2016 was Actually One of the Best Years on Record

Living Goods Overview (Short Version)

How Technology is Attracting New Capital to Improve Health Systems

The Innovators: Devices and Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Saving Lives and Providing Support: How Community Health Workers Serve Their Communities

Living Goods Founder on “Why Now” for Technology

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Chuck Slaughter Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship, Skoll World Forum 2016

Scaling Performance Management Tools that Work in Community Health

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