“At Living Goods, our vision demands being the source of inspiration to others. We will do whatever it takes to support governments, health workers, and the institutions that support them to learn from us just as we will keep learning from them. Let ours be the generation that refuses to accept that women and children still die from preventable and easily treatable diseases.”

Chuck Slaughter – Living Goods Founder

“At Living Goods, our vision demands being the source of inspiration to others. We will do whatever it takes to support governments, health workers, and the institutions that support them to learn from us just as we will keep learning from them. Let ours be the generation that refuses to accept that women and children still die from preventable and easily treatable diseases.”

Chuck Slaughter – Living Goods Founder

“At Living Goods’, our vision demands being the source of inspiration to others. We will do whatever it takes to support governments, health workers, and the institutions that support them to learn from us just as we will keep learning from them. Let ours be the generation that refuses to accept that women and children still die from preventable and easily treatable diseases.”

Chuck Slaughter – Living Goods’ Founder

From Vision to Impact: Living Goods' Story

Living Goods’ began with founder Chuck Slaughter’s passion for door-to-door distribution and a love for distant places. These interests started in his early years as a paperboy in Connecticut and grew as he traveled and worked abroad. In 1987, a New York Times article about Trickle Up, a microfinance pioneer, deeply inspired him. Chuck joined Trickle Up as a program officer, traveling across India, Nepal, and Indonesia and witnessing the transformative power of micro-entrepreneurship.

After completing his Master’s in Public and Private Management at Yale, Chuck launched TravelSmith, a successful travel catalog business that grew to $100 million in sales. In 2004, he sold TravelSmith, and soon after, a friend introduced him to The Health Store/CFW Shops, a network of franchised drug shops in Kenya. Chuck saw potential in mobilizing health workers to reach people directly in their communities. This idea sparked the concept behind Living Goods.

In 2007, Chuck launched Living Goods’ in Uganda with a vision to create a scalable, sustainable model of door-to-door community health workers. Living Goods’ focused on proactive, preventative care, empowering health workers to deliver life-saving services directly to people’s doors.

From the beginning, Chuck embraced smart risk-taking, learning from failures, and fostering a culture of constant innovation. This spirit remains at the heart of Living Goods’, guiding us as we work to transform community health at scale.

Living Goods Through the Years

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