Welcoming CDHO Kanishka Katara!


We are thrilled to welcome Kanishka Katara as Living Goods’ new Chief Digital Health Officer (CDHO), a new role within our Global Executive Team. As CDHO, Kanishka will serve as a strategic thought-partner to our CEO on all aspects of digital health, data, and technology, so that we can effectively implement and succeed in our new organizational strategy. Kanishka will lead the visioning, strategy development and implementation required for co-designing digital solutions that strengthen national community health systems and improve the performance of CHWs.  Kanishka joins us from PATH, where he has been leading their Digital Health portfolio for their South Asia Hub. He has been working at the intersection of new age digital innovations and data-driven decision-making to maximize the impact of public health programs. Prior to joining PATH, Kanishka was leading the world’s largest digital health intervention in India as Director of Government Programs and Partnerships for Dimagi, which developed the CommCare mobile platform we’ll be rolling out in Burkina Faso. Kanishka holds a Bachelor of Technology degree from Uttar Pradesh Technical University in India.



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