Posted on: June 5, 2023
Childhood immunizations are one of the most successful high-impact and cost-effective public health interventions, yet globally immunization coverage has stalled as a result of the COVID pandemic. In fact, every $1 spent on vaccine programs yields an estimated $54 return on investment. However, equity in accessing immunization remains a significant
issue in the countries where we work, with a sizeable number of children still not reached
by any routine vaccination services.
To close the gap and leave no one behind, Living Goods supports CHWs to increase
demand for immunization services by using data-based decision making to target zero dose (defined as children who do not receive a single dose of diphtheria tetanus and pertussis-containing vaccine) and under-immunized children, especially in hard-to-reach communities.
In this short video, we share CHW Joyce’s story and how she supports her community to access immunization services.