Living Goods has launched its second learning site in the Manga Health District, Burkina Faso. This project, which began on May 14, 2024, is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Living Goods, aimed at managing the performance of integrated and digital primary healthcare. The initiative will cover more than 400 Community Health Workers spread across 44 health facilities.
Since 2020, Living Goods has been supporting the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene of Burkina Faso in strengthening the community health system. The goal is to enhance the capabilities of community health workers using digital tools and provide quality training for an effective performance management system. Drawing on successful experiences in Kenya and Uganda, Living Goods uses the DESC approach (Digitized, Equipped, Supervised, and Compensated CHWs) to structure its interventions.
This new learning site in Manga is Living Goods’ second in Burkina Faso, following the launch of the first learning site in ZiniarĂ© in 2022. Through these learning sites, innovations such as community IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) within 5 km, performance-based incentives for CHWs, and peer supervision will be tested, contributing to improved community health indicators.
The ceremony, attended by over 50 participants, including representatives from the central directorates of the Ministry of Health, regional authorities, civil society organizations, and technical and financial partners, marked a collective commitment to transform community health.
During the ceremony, the Program Manager at Living Goods expressed the organization’s pride and enthusiasm in collaborating with the Ministry of Health to improve community healthcare. He emphasized the importance of the project, not only as a technical intervention but also as a commitment to innovation and healthcare accessibility.
Abibata Bamouni, representing the Governor of the Central South, expressed her gratitude for choosing the Manga health district as a pilot site. She praised the partnership with Living Goods and encouraged local authorities and communities to actively participate in the project. She affirmed that the project aims to create a resilient community health system based on accurate data.
The launch of this project in Manga marks a significant milestone for the implementation of digital health solutions in Burkina Faso. Living Goods is committed to working with the Ministry of Health to ensure access to quality healthcare, reduce infant and maternal mortality, and improve the well-being of local communities.